Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tips to Consider when Learning New Skills

Tips to Consider for Learning New Skills

            Even with two Bachelor’s and two Master’s degrees, and I still feel like I don’t know enough. I never get enough of learning new things. I pride myself in being a lifelong learner. And you can too!
            So you are probably thinking, I’m some sort of super genius. I’m not a prodigy child or anything close to it. I can say I have developed a few traits that have helped me to enjoy and endure learning. I have worked through the trials and tribulations that comes with the struggles of learning.
            No, I’m not bragging. I do want to be an inspiration to any and everyone who has developed the negative self- concept that learning new things is impossible. If I can do it, anyone can. Go for it! Start learning.

            Here’s how I did it:

Tip #1: You are not your fear.
            Everyone has a beast that must be faced at some point in life. Learning something new happens to be yours. Face the fear of learning as if your life depended on it. Well, actually, it does. New skills and knowledge yield growth and development to help increase chances of success.
            Overcome fear by focusing on the benefits that are in store for you. Shifting your attention from the unseen (your fear) to the seen (your goals) is a great way to conquer fear. Pay attention to what really matters and not your fear.
            Just do it! Does that slogan sound familiar? It’s most definitely motivational. When fear starts taking over, tell yourself over and over again to just do it. Once you step out on action, you will forget the fear.
            Are you still harboring that fear on the inside? try this. Visualize yourself in the position you will be in when you acquire and use your new knowledge. Visualize yourself walking across the stage at graduation. Visualize your yourself sitting behind the desk of your new job. See yourself as the new registered nurse at the community hospital. Whatever your dream is, see it into existence.

Tip #2: Small steps eventually turn into huge strides.
            If you think that the task of learning is too big, break it down into smaller steps. Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to take on too much at once. “Rome wasn’t built over night.” It took what probably seemed like forever to lay brick by brick to create a magnificent structure.
            The major keys to creating leaps and bounds through taking steps is to be consistent and persistent. Set a goal with flexible timelines and go for it. You should work on your goal a little every day. Keep on doing and keep on going.
            Even if you don’t get the results you want instantly, keep trying. Be persistent. Don’t give up. Strength is built over time when you practice over time.

Tip #3: Who said learning can’t be fun.
            I saved the best tip to learning new knowledge for last. While the main objective is to gain access to an increase in success, have fun while you are at it. Learning can be fun.
            You may have always had the experience and perception that learning is too stressful and time consuming. Put the fun back into learning. Do you remember the days of kindergarten when all day was recess? Okay, maybe half of the day was recess. Bring that same fun into learning as an adult.
            You used to celebrate when you jumped rope without tripping or beat the high score on your favorite video game. You can do the same now when you conquer the task of learning new knowledge or skills. treat yourself to a nice dinner or ice cream sundae. You deserve it for a job well done.   
            You can also make learning fun by making it a group event. Grab a few friends and join a class or training together. Inviting others to join in on learning ensures you have someone to laugh with during those silly thoughts of not being able to finish occurs. Group study sessions are not only beneficial to help one another process difficult ideas, but you can take a few breaks to crack a few jokes.

            Learning is what you make it. View learning as an enjoyable event that will pay off with big dividends in the long run. Remain motivated, use positive self- talk and never stop even after a failed attempt. So what are you waiting for? Go learn something new.

            For additional tips, motivation and inspiration about overcoming challenges, join the Push Pass Life Movement at bit.ly/pushpasslife and download a free ebook at bit.ly/PPLebook.

            Please feel free to leave favorable or unfavorable comments about this blog post.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Move from Broken to Whole

Move from Broken to Whole

Life flows in a fluid motion. There is no fixed, clear cut pattern to reach the goals and lifestyle desired. Sometimes life feels broken. Other times our actions result in feelings of wholeness.
Everyone’s ultimate aim is total blissful happiness. According to Lifehack’s author Amy Johnson, in a survey 56%  of the people say they are happy. But is it safe to say that most people who are happy also use proper strategies and techniques to overcome what is broken.

Broken: My world is falling apart!
When faced with failure, we often think nothing can or will ever go right. Everything is crumbling around you. There is no way to escape it.


Wholeness: Making positive connections with your mind, body and soul increases strength and stamina. Once harmony and inner peace occurs, “you’ve developed certain coping mechanisms that allowed you to survive” (Neseret, 7 Steps to Wholeness- Holistic approach in Treatment of Mental Illness and Addiction).

Broken: I am too ugly for a husband/ wife.
Self- defeating thoughts will cause you to look in the mirror and be disgusted at what you see. Negative thoughts arrive from toxic relationships and interactions that weaken you. Abuse is another avenue that yields self- defeating thoughts and behaviors.


Wholeness: You already possess all of the beauty inside to find your perfect soulmate and life. Building confidence is the key to attracting someone who accepts and appreciates who you are now. The only person you owe a need to change to is yourself. Self- improvements are for you to boost to the next level in your life.

Broken: My boss does not like me.
Thoughts that someone else is hindering your success is faulty thinking. You are responsible for your own growth and success. Put some action steps in place and get it. Push, breathe, push and breathe over and over again until you get to where you want to be.


Wholeness: Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Use your strengths to defeat your challenges. Use your strengths to live out your purpose. Living through who you truly are by aligning your strengths with your purpose is the formula to growth and eventually success.

Obviously even for those who profess true happiness, every day will not be peaches and cream. Getting from broken to wholeness requires the execution of an action plan. Gather your broken pieces bit by bit. Glue them back together with boldness and confidence that work in your best interest. Gleefully stride past obstacles with grace, spirit and solidarity. Your power will result in wholeness.

Are you ready to push from broken to whole? Get a complimentary consultation at http://bit.ly/PPLfree

If you did or did not enjoy this article, leave a comment.


Johnson, Amy. Hacklife. 40 Little Things in Daily Life that Bring Us true Happiness. Web.        
           retrieved 15 August 2016.   
 Nesert. 7 Steps to Wholeness- Holistic Approach in Treatment of Mental Health and Addiction.

            www.nesert.com. 27 February 2013.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Essential Tools for Emotional Wellness

Essential Tools for Emotional Wellness

            There is nothing worse than waking up early in the morning and not wanting to get out of bed. You have a thriving career, loving family and bubbly friends but none of that pushes the button to make you gleefully jump up to get your day started. You hit the snooze button two times already. Then you lay there staring at the ceiling fan spin while dreading the start of the day.
            According to the University of California, “Emotional wellness implies the ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather than deny them, have an optimistic approach to life and enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations”. Lying in bed for thirty extra minutes morning after morning solves nothing. What essential elements are needed to motivate you to rise and shine?

Essential Tool #1
            Evaluate emotional wellness. Ask yourself, “Is my life style working for me?” You should not spend too much attention to any one area of your life. Spread your time between work, family, you, leisure and whatever other arenas you may partake in. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and you may need to spend more time doing one activity versus another. Do not get overwhelmed with trying to leverage out your life.

Essential Tool #2
            Do not wallow in pity. Use positive thoughts and events to give you the mental boost in your mood. When something causes an emotional setback in motivation, to proceed use something upbeat such as an energizing song, a joke or watch a comedy show. it only takes a few minutes to snap back from a distressful moment.

Essential Tool #3
            My #1 favorite way to improve emotional wellness is through talking it out. A trusted friend can lend a caring ear that is often beneficial in lifting emotional burdens. Confiding in a professional therapist provides an in-depth analysis when self- assessments or peer support does not render the effect of an enlightened mood.

             The trials and tribulations experienced on a daily basis makes it hard to see the reasons to relax and enjoy the positive experiences. Mentally, life can drain the joy when not in touch with emotions, thoughts and feelings. The good news is that daily life does not have to drain your emotional energy. Get the essential tools you need to Push Pass Life.

>>> Do you or someone you know need guidance to improve emotional wellness? Click http://bit.ly/PPLfree for a free consultation.

University of California. “Emotional Wellness”. https://wellness.ucr.edu. 4 June 2014.

Additional resources:
Push Pass Life ebook>>> free download at http://bit.ly/PPLebook

Mindfulness Guided Relaxation at wellness.illinoisstate.edu/downloads/relaxation.mp3