Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How to Be Objective About Your Relationship

How to Be Objective About Your Relationship

            Have you been wondering what you can do to mend a broken relationship? Relationships come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. You have relationships with family, friends, coworkers, significant others, church members and club members. This list is just a few of the many types of relationships you encounter.  no matter the dynamic of the relationship, you always desire and wonder how to get the severed bond back intact.

            Rebuilding relationships require you to complete a few objectives. The main goal is to develop a mindset of renewal and leverage of complacency with the relationship. Sometimes relationships are irreparable but being at peace with the status especially if you tried is important.
            Check out these 3 main objectives to mending your relationship:

Objective #1:
            To rebuild your ideal relationship, you have to know what you want and how you want to get it back. Visualization can place you exactly into the relationship you desire. you might think it is wishful thinking, but visualization has benefits.
            Visualization is synonymous with the notion that seeing is believing. Visualizing brings your desires from the subconscious to the consciousness of reality. You might think the process is senseless, but try it and visualize yourself doing the impossible when it comes to your relationship.

 Objective #2:
            Surround yourself with the people who exhibit the traits of the way you want your relationship to be. Use the right people to be your role models. Don’t just look and observe, actually put forth the effort to use some of the steps of connections that you see.
            For example, if you are working on a not so pleasant relationship at work, shadow someone who has a great bond with coworkers. Observe how the person gets along well with others at work. watch the body language that is displayed by the person that everyone at work admires.
Objective #3:
            Stop denying the obvious. Your relationship is messed up and needs to be worked on. When exercising visualization and shadowing, Don’t forget to face the real deal of what the relationship was before going into the reparation stage. You can’t fix what you don’t realize needs fixing.
            Have a true heart to heart conversation with yourself and the other person. Be serious and mature about fixing the relationship if you really want to rebuild it. The only way to bring truth into rebuilding a relationship is by combating the denial of nothing is wrong.

>>>Rebuilding any relationship takes a lot of work. It will not regain strength overnight. You have to make every effort to be positive. If you need guidance with implementing the necessary objectives to rebuild your relationship, seek professional assistance.
>>>GinMan Consulting provides services to push you through difficult relationships and into bonds that produce fulfillment and satisfaction. Visit for a complimentary 30 minute session.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pick Up Your Spirits

Pick Up Your Spirits

            Discovering your spirituality may be one of the best moves to ever make towards gaining the peace and calm you need to reach higher levels of success. Most people shy away from spirituality thinking that it is the same as religion. Spirituality answers the question “How can I maximize my life?”

            Spirituality is beneficial to adding value to your life. often individuals live their lives without any true sense of purpose or meaning. A life without value results in an unsatisfactory feeling in daily activities and leisure activities. No matter how much effort, time or money you put into your lifestyle, being purposeless is not an enjoyable experience. Your purpose and spiritual connection establish value added living. Ultimately, happiness and satisfaction with your life emerges when spirituality is a committed part of your daily routine.
            Spirituality takes you beyond connections with the world. Spirituality directs the connection with your inner peace and calm. Activities that simmer the heat of life challenges lead to personal fulfillments within yourself. Everyone’s spiritual journey does not look the same. Some people can peacefully function with one connection, some are more comfortable with multiple spiritual relationships. For example, explore nature, art, music, yoga or meditation as a means to allow yourself to tap into deeper modes of thoughts and emotions.
            Develop healthy personal morals and values through a spiritual shift in your life. Compassionate and empathetic morals and values will help you develop a lifestyle worth waking up to every day. Having the burning desire to live an awe inspiring life brings a feeling of security and satisfaction. Spiritual soundness leads others to view you as a positive and instrumental asset and will always seek to be in your presence.
            Take a spiritual inventory of yourself on a regular basis. Seek ways you can make yourself a better person. Analyze the meaning behind your life challenges. Reevaluate the connections you have in the world and strengthen that area of your life. Most importantly, remember that spirituality and religion may have some common elements such as organizing a belief system, but are not carry the same concepts to increasing well- being and success.


GinMan Consulting can guide to finding your spiritual “self” and increase your chances for a successful life. If you or someone you know needs a spiritual boost, schedule a complimentary session at

For additional information about GMC and The Push Pass Life Movement, visit

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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What No One Tells You About Doubt

What No One Tells You About Doubt

            Do these things sound familiar? Fear of trying new things. Uncertainty of being good enough. Hesitation to pursue the goals and dreams you desire. Doubt generates a distrust between what you can do and what you think you cannot do.
            For example, high school is a time of initiation into becoming an adult. Ninth grade, tenth grade and eleventh grade build you up to the entering the twelfth grade. In your senior year, you have to make a final decision of what your first next action step into adulthood will be. So you are actually walking around twelfth grade year with a balance scale on the top of your head trembling from one side to the other side.
            One side of the scale may be piled with college acceptance letters, job offers, athletic scholarships or a number of other lucrative fortunes. The other side of the balance beam may be filled with your doubts, fears and apprehensions that can keep you from successfully moving forward after high school. The question to be answered at the most infamous moment is: what can you do so that the scale leans on the most favorable side?    
            Throughout life, you struggle with balancing the scale between good and bad decisions. Doubt is a significant determinant in the direction your scale leans. Yes, I can…. No, I can’t…. is the inner battle you deal with on an ongoing basis.  There are a few essential elements of overcoming doubt that no one wants you to know.


#3 Essential Element of Doubt:  > Brief overview
            One secret to overcoming doubt is to write about your fears. Journaling out your emotions and feelings helps in three ways. Describing your uncertainties lead to clarity of exactly what is keeping you from moving towards success. Writing about your fears makes it a more realistic feat to focus on and increases your insight into conquering it. Identifying what triggers your doubt by writing them out leads to your ability to stop yourself from self- destructive thoughts.

#2 Essential Element of Doubt: > Block self- defeating thoughts and behaviors
            Obstruct hesitations to make moves that push you to success by surrounding yourself with positive people, positive actions and positive environments. Do not be swayed into conforming to negative situations. You have heard that you are a product of your environment. That means people, your moves and the places you frequent all play a role in the development of doubt. Positivity multiplies into positive results. 

#1 Essential Element of Doubt: >  Build Better Thoughts
            Doubt is a figment of your imagination. Reconfigure doubtful impressions with motivational mantras and affirmations. Additionally, when trying to overcome an area of life that lacks success, invest in yourself. Purchase and read self- help books which contain beneficial information and target the exact challenges in life you are struggling to come to terms with. Also try attending some conferences and workshops to target the domains that hinder success.

            Don’t let doubt kill your present and future success. Questioning and analyzing a decision beforehand is a normal process. Don’t let the negative connotations of a situation cause stagnation in your dreams and goals. Pinpoint ways to overcome doubts and uncertainties that exist. Make and execute an action plan that gets you over the hurdle of life’s common challenge of doubt.    

Ø  If you are struggling with overcoming doubt, let GinMan Consulting guide you to get unstuck. Click to schedule a free analysis of your needs.

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