Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Best Way to Make Life Easy

The Best Way to Make Life Easy

It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
      -Hans Selye

Why let stress take you out? Even though there are good stressors, whether good or bad, your response to stress is important to your overall well-being. According to APA, most Americans are suffering from moderate to high stress. Obviously stress is not avoidable, so what can you do to manage stress?

#1 Stress can be simple. Don’t wait for situations to become complex and overwhelming. Tackle life’s issues as they come to you and one by one. Break it down into realistic chunks.

#2 Calm your stress. Soothe your overworked life by relaxing and being grateful in the present moment. Most stress is made up because you overthink or pre-think situations to be unbearable and worst case scenarios. Defeat faulty thoughts that create stress by thinking and being more appreciative of life and what you have.

#3 Live your life. Stop letting stress stop you from enjoying life. A lack of freedom burdens you down to feel like you cannot get anywhere. Breathe, Relax and Move Forward. Life is Lovely.

GinMan can take the stress of overwhelm, overthinking, and lifelessness away.
Learn to balance your life and live STRESS FREE .
Schedule your counseling appointment TODAY at

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Addiction is Seductive

Addiction is Seductive

Addiction is a battle that many lose to over and over again. The good news is….even though you may lose the battles, you can win the war.
One big challenge with addictive behaviors is that people mainly recognize only drugs and alcohol as the culprits. Today sex addiction is becoming more of an issue in relationships.

An article published on highlights the sex addiction of a former NFL football player Mike Caussin. His sex addiction has caused marital issues between him and wife Jana Kramer. Within the article the couple mention a few pointers to shed light about how to overcome sex addiction within a marriage.

This is what happens when you don’t face your addiction.

#1 Shame On You!
Most people don’t seek help for addictions because it will cause shame and embarrassment. The true shame of addiction occurs when you don’t admit you have an issue and when you don’t seek the treatment you need.

#2 A Rocky Family.
Active and continuous addictive behaviors when left untreated will cause family instability. Addiction doesn’t just affect the prime participant, it has adverse emotional and physical effects on all family members.

#3 You lose.
Addictive behaviors cause you to become ineffective in significant areas of your life. When you fail to properly address the issues of addiction your lifestyle goes down. You lose financial, material, relationships, careers, family and most importantly you lose YOURSELF.

Everybody knows somebody. Battles with addiction should not be faced alone.
Contact your local community rehabilitation center or visit GMC resources page at for more information.

Friday, April 5, 2019

3 Ways Overthinking Helps You Level Up to Make More Money

3 Ways Overthinking Helps You Level Up to Make More Money

Everyone wants to be able to make lots of moola. When you are over eager & anxious to bring in more money, you can let the millions of thoughts that flow through your mind outweigh your plans to prosperity. Overthinking is not necessarily a bad thing when you make it work for you instead of against you.

I have experienced overwhelm and overthinking while trying to make more money. As a school teacher, I made a decent living, but I knew there was lots of untapped potential to make more money in education. I returned to school, got a Master’s and began my quest to gain more money through promotions and raises. For two to three painful years, I tried and tried to make more money but was unsuccessful at gaining the promotions I applied for. I was highly qualified but let the tendency to overthink trick me out of my ability to make more money.  One of my biggest weakness was overthinking that the skills I had DID NOT make me capable of performing the job I was applying for. Since I was a first generational EVERYTHING, I kept telling myself I was not good enough. I would actually be in an interview and my mind would be going 100 miles an hour thinking about why I would not get the job. My thoughts won! I did not get the promotions I applied for... over and over again.

Today, I now am able to rationally use my overthinking to get the money I deserve. Below are some of the same exact tips I used to take advantage of my overworked brain.

Tip #1

Use Those Creative Ideas. Mentally it feels like your brain just will not work with you. Your mind just will not slow down. In the mist of all of those chaotic thoughts, is creativity. You can form the abundance of thoughts into a healthy mapped out money making blueprint. (Click HERE to Download the FREE …. Blueprint). 1st List all of your ideas as bullet points. It does not have to be in any specific order so stop trying. Then the next day, revisit the ideas and pick the top 3 that will be beneficial to your quest to make more money within the next few weeks. 

Tip #2
Right Your Wrongs. Your faulty thoughts are helping you make the wrong choices about the right actions to take. You already have told yourself obsessively that you have all of what is wrong. You have been worrying about all of the weaknesses for days and possibly years. Creatively reword those “wrongs” into a list of your strengths. For example, instead of overthinking that you are not a good communicator, state that you are a great communicator because you carefully select your words before speaking. Flip the flops.

Tip #3
Take your strengths to the 2nd Power. Don’t label your potential to overthink as a weakness. Overthinking, when used effectively and strategically, can place you on a platform above co-workers and competition.    
Don’t insecurely hide behind your abundance of knowledge aka overthinking. Use your creative greatness. Think about positive ways to present those unique ideas to your supervisor or into your business. It can be your above the norm driving force to make more money. Money making ventures exist at the very brink of where no one else is brave enough to think because of fear… except the over-thinker.       

Check this scenario out! Suppose you want to ask for a promotion but continue to let overthinking stop you. Make a list of your beliefs about what can go wrong when you ask for a promotion. Maybe you are worried about the supervisor focusing on a project that you submitted late. An overthought is the wrong way to approach a promotion. Instead focus on the benefits you gained from being a little late on the project such as the increase in sales that resulted.

CAN YOU HELP ME? Complete this survey [] so that I can develop the perfect tips and insights to your next money making move. I promise it will only take less than 2 minutes.

P.S. Don’t forget to download the FREE money making blueprint

P.S.S. Share this article with other over-thinkers… what goes around comes around….spread the wealth of these tips!

And Finally…..FYI! Join the Prosperity Challenge