Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Did You Have an Awful Holiday? Here's How to Fix It...

Did You Have an Awful Holiday? Here's How to Fix It...

Now that Christmas 2018 is behind us many of you are probably reflecting on those family relationships that seemed a little awkward or tense.  Family Christmas celebrations have power to be the most stressful and depressing times of the year. During Christmas celebrations there is a compromise between enjoying family engagement or enjoying the gifts (especially if the gifts are not liked or appreciated).

 How do you get over lousy family relationships and crappy gifts after the holiday? Try these tips...

#1 Plan your vacation immediately after. In order to offset the annoying family and ugly gifts have your next luxurious vacay already planned out. When your nerves become on the edge visualize yourself enjoying time away, create great memories to override the terrible experience.

#2 Focus on the good memories. Remember when grandma was dancing like she was 16 again? What about the gag gift that your great aunt received that had everyone laughing? You have to remind yourself of the good to overcome the bad.

#3 Talk to a trusted family member. To keep you from feeling bad about the Christmas family time, tell someone who can understand how you feel. The good thing about sharing your feeling is that someone else will relate to you and you will not feel alone. Depression and stress results from holiday gatherings because you keep your dissatisfaction bottled up instead of releasing the tension.

Are you struggling with building better relationships?
GinMan Consulting can help you work through the 3Cs to a Thriving Relationship.

Contact GinMan Consulting @ 281-904-6483
to schedule your initial family session TODAY

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

When Is More Than One Partner Right?

When Is More Than One Partner Right?

Even though monogamy is the ideal way to be involved in an intimate relationship, the truth of the 21st century is that couples are experimenting with various types of intimacy. The first step to a polygamous relationship is a high level of understanding of expectations while in the relationship. All parties involved have to be on board with how they have agreed to interact. Knowing the benefits of polygamous relationships could be a selling point to the individuals involved.

Here’s why it may be worthwhile to be in a poly relationship…

#1 wide eye
It is very rare that couples do not lose intimacy. When having relationships with more than one partner, there is an understanding that exploration keeps the zing alive. Some feel it is better to have an agreement of satisfying wide eyes of lust than to totally lose the whole relationship.

#2 stress relief
Studies show that sex is a stress relief. But polygamous relationships offer stress relief in knowing that the partner is not being deceptive in indulging in relationships. A strong level of communication about what the rules of exploration are decreases worrying about the pressures of cheating.

#3 security
A polygamous relationship gives security of the relationship and inner peace. If the couple agrees to have outside relationships, it seals the insecurity of losing the relationship or interest of the mate. A comfort in multiple partners also builds inner strength because if you feel deficient in any areas of intimacy or self-confidence the third partner can be the self-esteem boost you need.

Explore your options with couple counseling with GinMan Consulting.
Visit for the answers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Advice to Professional Women Who Want More Money

Advice to Professional Women Who Want More Money

 Women have always been 10 steps behind the male counter part when it comes to excelling in your career. The glass ceiling is being broken by professional women more and more. Women today live for more status, more power and most importantly MORE MONEY.

Ladies, Level Up!

Here’s to getting more coins
Count Down >>> >>> >>>

#3 Courage Outweighs Fear
The courageous lion always makes it through to the end of the forest. Never let your faulty thinking keep you from going after advancements and bonuses. Living in false perceptions will override your glitz and glamour you deserve as a professional woman.
#2 Be a Go Getter
Don’t focus on what others expect of you set your own goals and values based off of what you want out of life. Even though you may not have all of the skills and knowledge you need at this very moment, you can get them. When your goals match your desires, you GO GET IT.
#1 Show the Real You
Let’s not focus on being conceited, but it is important to highlight your assets. If you don’t let others see the skills, personalities and knowledge you have, no one will ever know. And if you don’t EXPOSE your unique self, well that means someone else is. The moment you step out of the shadows is your momentum to more status and more $$

Get ready for 12 days of Christmas challenge for professional women.

If you were bold enough to open this email and read to the end, you are the first to gain exclusive access to the Professional Women Who Prosper Under Pressure community.

This private community goes public in about 1 month so you will have a month’s head start over hundreds of other professional women.

And as a BONUS>>>  you have FREE ACCESS to tips, insight and action plans to advancing in your career and making more money.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Schizophrenia? Here’s How to Manage It

Schizophrenia? Here’s How to Manage It

The first step to handle any issue is awareness. Do you know what schizophrenia is? Schizophrenia affects an individual’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly. There is no cure but the symptoms can be managed.

Reconnect with Reality!

#1 Scary Feelings:
Paranoia is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Regain a better viewpoint of life. Medication management when taken properly reduces hopeless thinking processes.

#2 Suicidal Feelings:
Look out for lack of emotions, interest or enthusiasm. Positive social support continues to be one of the best outlets to handling negative emotions. Reach out to loved ones and express issues that are bothering you.

#3 Strange Feelings:
Recognize sounds and signs that are not real and misinterpreted. Therapy can effectively help put those awkward moments into a more normal outlook. Don’t let stigma hold you back from the treatments you deserve.
Take a quick FREE 3-minute schizophrenia test funded by PSYCOM

Be happy with the skin you are in!
Get over the fear, embarrassment
or lack of awareness about who you really are…
just do what it takes to be the best you!!

Contact GinMan Consulting  TODAY

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Relationship That Will Make You Shiver

A Relationship That Will Make You Shiver

Over the past decade it seems that education and relationships involving students, has been the topic of discussion in the news industry. One week you hear about teachers having inappropriate relationships with students. Another week, the hot topic might be a school shooting that started over an unrealistic crush that ended tragically.

THE BIG QUESTION is “How can educational relationships establish positive connections?


Educational environments should set high standards of respect for all. The expectation of respect will ensure that victims of inappropriate relationships know the true meaning of appropriate treatment. Even though this mantra will not guarantee a 100% return of appropriate relationships, it will lessen the likelihood of accepting crappy relationships.

It’s not easy to slip through the cracks of a safe relationship when there is a mass of supporters who are aware and watching. Security and safety comes through a significant number of positive supporters. Perpetrators will know that all eyes are on the lookout for inappropriate behaviors.

Developing an interest outside of the educational walls will promote a community of nurturance and care. Equitable attention of personal needs in addition to educational needs builds the confidence to address inappropriate behaviors that lead to inappropriate relationships. Educational needs are more than reading, writing, and arithmetic especially since the majority of educators and students lives are spent at the educational institution.

Push Pass Life! Take action steps to regain control of life’s common challenges. Push until you succeed.  Pass all obstacles and reach success. Life is always better with GinMan Consulting.

Visit GinManConsulting to explore your options to a better life.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Better Ways to End the Year On Top

Better Ways to End the Year On Top

Let’s Get It Started…

2019 is right around the corner. We are in the last quarter of 2018 and it’s never too
early to plan for the New Year. The way to a successful new year is in the planning. It’s important to plan because it allows you to prioritize, helps you to produce your best work and helps you stay on track with goal setting.

Here’s to You and The New Year

 #1 Prioritize
                                Start Early! Give yourself time to process what is important to you. Prioritize by putting the tasks that have the most impact on your life first. But….don't forget to be flexible.

#2 Productivity
                                Go Get It! The best way to get your New Year rolling is by sticking to what you start. If you are not sure of your progress, make small evaluations along the way. Stop…ask yourself if what you are doing is getting you closer to success.

#3 Persistence
                                Be determined! Set a goal and stay on course. Make sure you are mentally well and strong when working through though areas of your life. Break…recharge your motivation with refreshing pauses to rest.

Resources to Jump Start Your Year

Focus on your mental state first before taking on a work load of life adjustments. Know how your mental state empowers you. Check out Jen Reviews to learn more about mental health diagnosis.

Get your goals in order with this handy resource. Create your goals 365 days a year. Download at

Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to Create the Perfect Uplifting

How to Create the Perfect Uplifting

The message I’m sending today is all about getting uplifted to position yourself for all of the blessings that are already waiting for you….not just the few you have already tapped into but ALL of your blessings.

SCRIPTURE for reference- Psalm 23:5 says My cup overflows with blessings. You have be prepared to receive an uplifting of blessings.

Are you ready for an uplifting? Look in the mirror and wave your hands or say “whoop whoop” if you are ready for an uplifting. You have to command it to come to you!

I understand that most of you are saying, “ Virginia, I would be ready for an uplifting but I’m not sure of what you mean by uplifting or if that’s even a word…. I’ve heard of uplift and uplifted but not uplifting” Guess what! That’s okay because I have a couple of definitions to help clarify what I mean by uplifting.

1st definition…. According to Webster’s dictionary to uplift means to make happy and hopeful, raise to a higher position.
Did that  definition help you understand what this message of uplifting is about?

So here is definition #2- According to GinMan at The Crossing’s Women Luncheon UPLIFTING is a spiritual, mental and inner connection of sisters making sure we never let each other fail but we bond together to PUSH PASS LIFE!

To receive your uplifting, you need:

#1 Mental Strength
As a mental health counselor, I hear all types of mental breakdowns from depression, anxiety, hopelessness, worthlessness, family issues, problems at work and so on. And while I attentively listen to their mental battles and give coping strategies and techniques, I’m thinking

SCRIPTURE for reference: 1 Peter 5:7 says casting all of your anxiety on him because He cares for you.

And every opportunity I get, I remind them of how they can lay all of their issues into his care. You see because once you develop that mental strength…. You open the door for an uplifting.

And not only will mental strengthening provide an uplifting,
you need to:

#2 Check yourselves
Your self love, self worth, self respect and self esteem needs to be checked. You must value yourselves…. All of them.

Let me tell you there was a time when I didn’t value myself….emotional abuse physical abuse financial abuse and educational abuse ( the guy didn’t even want me reading) had me at my lowest.
But when I started meditating in his word night and day, I received an uplifting.
I wake up with the word, walk all day with the word, unwind at night with the word.

And on top of that I used to walk with my head down I was feeling so bad about myself.

So now I’ve saved the best for last!

#3 Spiritual awakening

I’ve been telling you HOW you can receive an uplifting through mental strengthening and checking
your self

 …..let me tell you WHY you can receive an uplifting.

Why you can receive an uplifting through a spiritual awakening?

Here’s why!

Because of
1. Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

2. Why? Because of

Psalm 110:1 Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies  a Footstool for your feet

3. Why? Because of

Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Is that enough of why you can be uplifted? Well here’s more!

4. Why? Because of

James 2:26 faith without works is dead

5. Why? Because of

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path
And as a closing let me give you the greatest why of them all….
Why do you need a spiritual uplifting?
It’s because of the promise he made for you and me to live our days in prosperity and  years in pleasure.
I don’t have to scrap from the bottom of the barrel because I get mines off of the top….
If you don’t think it’s the uplifting tell me how I went from domestic violence to diva, why I went
from teenage mother to counselor extraordinaire.

IT’s that UPLIFTING that took me there! And you can get yours too!
Let GinMan Consulting be in agreement with you for your UPLIFTING…..
Contact us at   
Blessings of Life are waiting for you!

Gain spiritual blessings 365 days a year. Enjoy reflective journaling at the end of every week in
the BONUS edition.

This is the cheapest blessing you will ever be able to buy! Order for only $19.95 at

Wishing you the best,
Virginia xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

One Time Trauma Equals The Perfect Storm

One Time Trauma Equals The Perfect Storm

            The sound of the word trauma can easily bring chills to your bones especially if you have been the victim of a traumatic event. If you experience a horrific situation only once, does that classify as trauma? It absolutely does! Some one time traumas can be a natural disaster such as hurricanes or other storms, a car accident, rape, or burglary.

Within the mayhem of trauma you can turn the tragedy into a perfect picture of success. SAY WHAT??!! How can a storm equal anything but terror?

Cheers to the Perfect Storm
Here's how to survive a hurricane of trauma!

Category 1: Optimism
Instead of responding with a fight or flight reaction, stop and think. Think about the numerous blessings you continue to have after your frightful event. You are a survivor and should celebrate because you have made it through.

Category 2. Move forward:
It is easy to freeze up after an experience with trauma. If and when you stop living your life you have let fear take control of you. I know it's easier said than done but you GOT THIS!

Category 3. Advocate:
Take a stand against whatever your tragic situation may be. Shed light and understanding on your experience so that others can see your braveness and power. Empowering others results in your own empowerment.

Are you clinging to the stress or anxiety related to a one time traumatic event? Are you ready to recover your normality and power over your life? Let's talk about it!

You might have one time trauma but you need 365 Pushes: Motivation to Overcome Any Challenge.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Shine Through Obedience

Shine Through Obedience

Blured text with focus on OBEDIENCE

You know you want to do what is right but it is hard to stay on course. Obedience means you have an inner nudge to do what you are supposed to do and you answer the request. Being submissive to your purpose is a struggle to most, partly because it is easier to do what's wrong than it is to do what's right. There are benefits to obedience!

Good Vs Bad Habits Change Actions Foot Stomping Words 3d Illustration

The Rewards to Staying on Track:

#1 Long Term Success- Obedience blesses you with longevity of success. More money, jobs, and better health come to those who are committed to following  righteousness.

#2 Power in Every Step You Take- With obedience comes authority because others will witness your boldness and walk behind you. The more powerful you are, the more control you have.

#3 Joyful Life- A lot of the benefits of obedience are external. Internally, knowing you are doing what is right eliminates adversity within. You feel more confident, peaceful, and selfless when you are obedient to your purpose, relationships and most importantly to yourself.

You think obedience doesn't work? Give it a try and you will experience more favor than you have in a while. Are you not sure about what's right for you? Give GinMan a try! 

Struggling with obedience? These goal setting tips will assist you with knowing what you need on your journey.
Get the Free Download @

Let's make social connections!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Modern Relationship Rules

Modern Relationship Rules

Building   positive relationships is the most sought after desire for today's society. Good relationships are at the forefront for feeling confident about life and future plans to succeed. Good relationships provide the support and love necessary for a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Many people do not understand the dynamics of building and sustaining positive relationships in modern day society. To develop the relationship that meets today's standards three components must be mastered. All relationships need communication, compromise, and cherish.

3 Cs of Relationships

Rule #1- Effective communication
According to, "the ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today's world" ( Communication is not just what is being said during the conversation. It also involves listening to the needs of others.

Rule #2- The Art of Compromise
Compromising does not mean giving up what you want to satisfy the need of another. A good relationship involves give and take. Each person must give up something in return to receiving the opportunity to keep the thing they desire.

Rule #3- Cherish every aspect whether good or bad
Love for better or worst. Adore your loved one. Yes, there will be characteristics and behaviors that you  yourself would never think of having but embrace those differences. Show appreciation and cherish the flaws and the favorites.

If you do not want your relationship to be in ruins, you have to follow the rules. Connect with your friends, family, or flames with a modern touch of direction.
Let GinMan Consulting set the rules in your relationship!

For more information on relationships subscribe to my YouTube channel @

Follow GinMan Consulting @

Connect with GinMan Consulting via Facebook @

Wishing You the Best in Success,
Virginia xoxoxoxoxo