Wednesday, February 22, 2023

3 Habits For Great Self-care


3 Habits For Great Self-care 




The last thing on most people to do list is to take care of oneself. If you are a people pleaser you will most definitely have a problem with putting yourself as a priority. One thing that every individual should realize is that if you don’t take care of you, you most definitely will not be mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally healthy to handle life’s challenges.



3 Tips to Practice Selfless Self-care


#1 Make self-care a part of your scheduled routines. Right along with work obligations, doctor appointments, and children’s appointments, put your destress time on the calendar also. If it’s already a part of your weekly routine, you will feel dedicated to completing it.


#2 Self-care should include mental pressure releases. Take care of your mind by removing it from overloaded and toxic thoughts that wear you down. Mental care routines can incorporate painting, journaling, or reading about pleasant and enjoyable things and topics.


#3 Declutter your life. Cleanse your life of negative and toxic people, living environments and food; then surround yourself with things that bring joy, laughter, and colorfully pleasant memories into your schema of self-care routines.




When you take care of yourself, your opportunity for success increases. Selfless self-care creates relaxing and bold steps of confidence because your thoughts and actions are less tense and stressed.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

What Would You Change to Live Your Dream Life?


What Would You Change to Live Your Dream Life?


Well, you do have to change some things if you want some things to change.




Those old habits that are keeping you back... must go! It’s time to reach for higher skies.

It can be things you are doing that are not working or things you are saying to yourself that are not working. 


Maybe The People you are around are not working or Things you are seeing are not working. 



It’s February 2023 and its way over the 21 times or days to change a habit rule. 

It’s 6 weeks into the new year and I hope you have finally made some changes to bad habits. 

3 ways to change those ugly habits that are holding you back from more vacations, more promotions, more bonuses, more raises, more family time and more me time: 



1st of all- the key denominator is you! You must make a change.



#1 Recognize the habit as good or bad.


All habits are not bad, some are good.

When dealing with bad habits, you must recognize what outcome you want. Since habits are etched in our mind, it’s hard to recognize that it’s not working. But when you focus on your goal, you realize the habit is not getting you to your goal. Then, You are more likely to recognize the need to change and change it. 



When dealing with good habits, the change is to amp it up! Use it as a strength and to your advantage.

Too often we put all our energy and focus on the negative. 



#2 Replace the bad habits. 

Once you identify a habit as good or bad, then you know what to do with it. You can’t just say hey I’m never going to do that again because it has been a part of your normal thinking pattern. So, what do you do? Replace the bad habit with a good new habit or an already identified good habit. 



#3 Relive the good habits. 

You must see yourself in action. Visualize and imagine yourself living in and doing the new desired habit. Having an accountability partner helps with putting the new habit in practice because your partner will hold you to your word. But not only should you see yourself in the new habit, you should see yourself successfully accomplishing the new habit.




GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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I’m wishing you peace and prosperity!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Self-Love Tips For the New Year

Self-Love Tips For the New Year


It is 2021 already! Ushered in with the year are set goals, new year resolutions, an ever-growing to-do list, and expectations for the months ahead. It is great to strive to be better, to make an impact, and influence everyone around you positively, but you should not forget the important role of self-love. It helps you stay committed to yourself and keeps you inspired all year long.

Self-love is not only about feeling good; it is dynamic. It is a state of appreciation for yourself and accepting your weaknesses as well as your strengths.


If you desire more self-love in 2021, here are important tips to keep in mind:

#1 Be Sincere but Kind to Yourself

There should be a balance between self-reflection and kindness. Befriend yourself this year. Make the most out of the year by being honest with yourself. Identify the areas you need to change and be intentional about creating that change.


#2 Stay Positive

A daily dose of positivity will help you in achieving your set goals. Start each day by telling yourself something beautiful and positive. Pat yourself on the back and do things that will make you smile.


#3 Stop the Comparisons

There is no one like you on this planet. You are different from every other person. So, it is unhealthy to compare yourself with others. The only person that matters is you.


#4 Celebrate Your Wins

Whether big or small, always be proud of what you have achieved in the year. You deserve to be celebrated.



I hope that in 2021 you become more fluent in self-love. I hope that this year, you know your worth like it’s your mother’s tongue.



GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

New Year, New You: How to Stay Consistent With Your Goals


New Year, New You: How to Stay Consistent With Your Goals


It’s a new year again where everyone starts setting goals and making new year resolutions. Desiring change and setting plans for the year ahead. Be it getting a new job, starting a business, losing weight, or quitting drugs, most people feel January is the best time to start living life on a clean slate.

However, a new year is like a regular day and the same as the previous one. These huge goals and changes are short-lived, and people go back to their usual self in just a few weeks. This is because these resolutions are calendar obligations with less discipline and consistency.

No matter how small or big your goals for the year are.


Here are ways you can produce change and stay consistent:


#1 Set Realistic Goals

Aiming to hit the gym seven days a week is not realistic. Neither is trying to lose a lot of weight in a month. Be reasonable with your goals. Set goals that challenge you but are not impossible.


#2 Take Small Steps

If you are feeling overwhelmed about making a big change in your life, focus on taking it a step at a time. Start with one small action you can achieve because smaller steps will lead to a bigger overall change.


#3 Have an Accountability Partner

It could be a friend or your life partner. Just someone you respect and won’t let it slide if you want to give up.


As you start the year, know that making a change is never easy and every time you want to give up, always remember why you started.




GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress: How to Tell the Difference


Good Stress vs. Bad Stress: How to Tell the Difference




Stress is our body’s response to fear and anxiety. It is a survival instinct. While we are rushing to meet project deadlines, sitting in traffic or juggling family life it is easy to get overwhelmed.

However, some kinds of stress can be a motivating force in your life—like worrying about a project, presentation, competing for promotion or even going on a first date. Good stress is the type of stress you feel when excited. Your pulse accelerates and you feel the surging of your hormones. It keeps you feeling great and excited about life. However, bad stress occurs when you repeatedly face stressors that take a heavy toll on your mood.

It could be a stressful job, an unhappy lifestyle or something that constantly puts you in a bad mood and makes you lose interest in family and hobbies.

So how do you deal with good stress vs. bad stress?

#1 Dedicate time to Yoga and meditation

#2 Take walks frequently

#3 Maintain social connections

#4 Exercise regularly

#5 Always remind yourself of your strengths

#6 Have a positive mindset

#7 Try to see the potential benefits of every situation

#8 Create your method of self-care

#9 Try journaling whenever you feel overwhelmed

#10 Plan ahead

#11 Reach out for help




GinMan Consulting is here to help you

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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

How to Stay Motivated When Feeling Stressed


How to Stay Motivated When Feeling Stressed 



Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, it is natural to lose motivation. But how often do you find yourself losing motivation, every day? once a week? or once a month? It is hard to stay motivated when you are stressed, and it is difficult to find joy unless you get that rest.

Different things could be stressing you out. Life changes, uncertainties, overwhelming responsibilities, pressure, and more are just a few causes of stress. Fortunately, you can refuel your motivation without paying a penny.

Our brain is powerful, and you can confront stress and rejuvenate your brain to stay motivated through life’s challenges.


Here are some tips you can apply when it feels like you are on a low:

#1 Go Outdoors

Take advantage of the elements! Enjoy nature and bask in its warmth. Find a comfortable spot where you can relax and enjoy the weather. Rather than moping indoors, find time to go outside.

#2 Eat Healthy

Make a consistent effort to keep meals balanced. Be sure to control your portion. Eat more vegetables and fruits and take water instead of caffeinated drinks.

#3 Prioritize

Always map out a detailed schedule of what lies ahead each week. Creating a schedule encourages productivity. That way, you will know if a certain week is going to be stressful, and you can prepare for it.

#4 Create a Reward System

At the end of each week, find a way to reward yourself. Whether it is a weekend getaway or a special outing with friends, simply do something that brings you joy!


And every time you feel those little worries creeping in, remember;

Worrying never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its joy.



GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Finding Daily Joy and Fun With Dementi


Finding Daily Joy and Fun With Dementia


 Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. It causes a continuous decline in the thinking, behavioral, and social skills that allow a person to function independently. No treatment cures Alzheimer’s disease. However, laughter may still be the best medicine.

The truth is we all feel a bit calmer, happier, and healthier after a good laugh. Laughter lifts our spirits and reduces anxiety, which is often the cause of wandering and emotional outbursts in patients.

It isn’t easy to accept that your loved one might not remember you all the time, but as a caregiver, you can improve their quality of life. Add fun-filled and creative activities to their daily routine. Help them remember pleasant memories from the past and encourage them to engage in activities they enjoy. This can lead to productive and satisfying lives because they are less likely to get stressed or show worrying behaviors.

Here are few ways to spice up their day…

#1 Create a daily routine

Routine is a great source of comfort. Help them create a predictable daily routine. This will help to minimize distractions.

#2 Meaningful activities

Allow them to engage in activities that make them feel useful and good about themselves. It has to be something they enjoy doing. Select these activities based on their abilities

#3 Music

Music is food for the soul. It has a great influence on our emotions. Play the music they prefer and encourage some movement. If they want to dance, dance with them!

Nothing prepares you for this illness. However, don’t dwell on it. Value the moment shared together, the pearls of wisdom, their smile, and their humor.


GinMan Consulting is here to help you

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