Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health Disorder


Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health Disorder

Mental illness has always been a stigmatized issue around the globe. From being thought of as a moral punishment or an affliction from the devil, the ideologies surrounding mental illness have ranged wide. Most people with mental health disorders have been called names and their symptoms has been referred to as something they can control if only, they tried hard. The stigma around mental health rises out of fear and lack of understanding.

It causes patients to feel ashamed for something that is not in their control. Worst of all, stigma prevents people from seeking help. However, it is more damaging when you internalize that stigma and start believing those negative stereotypes people ascribe to you.


Tips to Combat Stigma

1. You Are Not Alone

If you have a mental condition, remember that you are not alone, and many people experience mental illness. One in four U.S adults has a mental illness of some kind.

2. Get Treatment

You may be reluctant to admit you should get treated. Don’t allow the fear of stigma to prevent you from seeking help. Treatment provides relief and gives you overall wellness.

3. Find Support

Whatever you do, try to find support.  Stay connected to others; it could be your friends, family, or clergy. Seek support from organizations that provide educational and supportive resources for those who are affected by mental illness.

4. Speak Out

Start educating those around you about the realities of mental illness, including how rampant it is. Consider expressing yourself at events, letters, or on the internet. It will help instill courage in others facing similar challenges.

People’s judgment mostly stems from a lack of understanding. Learning to accept your condition while seeking support and treatment makes all the difference.




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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What You Should Know About Mental Illness Types and Symptoms


What You Should Know About Mental Illness Types and Symptoms

Mental illness is a condition that has a negative effect on the way an individual thinks, feels, and behaves. Just like physical illness is used to describe different physical health problems, mental illness encompasses a wide range of mental health conditions. Mental illness is very common in the United States, and each year, one in five adults experience mental illness, and one in six American teenagers experience a mental illness.


Types of Mental Health Disorders

1. Anxiety Disorders

2. Bipolar and Related Disorders

3. Depressive Disorders

4. Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders

5. Dissociative Disorders

6. Elimination Disorders

7. Feeding and Eating Disorders

8. Neurocognitive Disorders

9. Neurodevelopmental Disorders

10. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

11. Personality Disorders

12. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders etc.


Signs and Symptoms

We all experience peaks and valleys in our mental health. A bad experience such as the loss of a loved one might affect your psychological well-being. Each illness has its set of symptoms, but common signs of mental illness in children, teenagers, and adults can include:

#1 Uneasiness and Excessive Fear: Feeling scared, nervous, or panicked.

#2 Mood Swings: Indifference to situations, difficulty in expressing joy, deep sadness, hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts

#3 Sleep or Appetite Changes: Sleeping more or less and eating more or less than usual.  Noticeable weight loss and rapid weight gain.

#4 Difficulty in Thinking: It also includes the inability to process thoughts and concentrate on daily activities.

However, these symptoms don’t define you. Living with mental illness, whether it concerns you or a loved one, can be difficult. Help is available for you. You should know that you are not alone and getting treatment is key to relief from these symptoms and maintaining a healthy and beautiful life.



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