Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ready, Set, Go Be a Go- Getter!

Ready, Set, Go Be a Go- Getter!

            Do you have what it takes to win? Or do you give up with a loss? The fine line between being a winner and being a loser is the effort and mindset you have behind every task and goal you pursue.

            Getting what you desire and deserve requires a Go- Getter Mind Set. A go- getter mindset means you go to any measure and utilize any means possible to get it. It doesn’t mean that mistakes don’t happen, or you won’t get tired. It means if you don’t know what to do to get what you want, you figure out how.

            Go- Getter Mind Set Tip #1:
With everything you do, do it with persistence. Never give up on going for what you want. Sometimes setbacks are inevitable but a go- getter jumps over the hurdle and continues to the finish line. Getting up from a knock out takes boldness. To keep going requires strength. Both boldness and strength are inherently within you. Bring them out to the forefront of your challenge and use them.

            Go- Getter Mind Set Tip #2:
Before you go after you desire, it is a wise idea to set some goals. Don’t develop just any goals. Make them S.M.A.R.T. goals. What does it take to make your goals SMART? Be SPECIFIC about exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Make goals MEASURABLE so that you can monitor progress or lack of progress. (Don’t forget to make appropriate adjustments to your goals based on your self- assessment). Next you need lights, cameras and take ACTION STEPS to reach your goals. And be REAL when creating the steps to being a go- getter. Finally, set a TIME LIMIT to making the progress required to success. Goals can be achieved baby step by baby step but still set limits to monitor your commitment and progress.

            The building point of a go- getter mindset is that winners win and losers lose. Go- getters do not sit back and accept failure. No matter what, keep pushing through any and all challenges that block your way to success. Success is the only option.  


Do you or someone you know struggle with developing, working and reaching goals? GMC provides motivation, inspiration, guidance, and support to overcome any challenge. Schedule a FREE strategy session with GinMan Consulting today by sending a quick message to

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Wishing You the Best with Your Success,

Virginia xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Roadblocks to a Successful Escape

Roadblocks to a Successful Escape

            Domestic violence is a serious matter. It damages families, women, men, children and all lives involved. Most have the belief that only women and children are the recipients of domestic violence, but men can also be victims of domestic violence.
            Many also believe that domestic violence is only physical abuse. Domestic violence can span across circumstances verbally, emotionally, and financially as well. How familiar are you with domestic violence prevention and intervention?

            On a more personal note, I was a victim of domestic violence for over five years of the relationship with my oldest three children’s father. The relationship was very volatile and unhealthy for me. His methods of domestic violence were somewhat atypical at times but none the less still domestic violence. He forbad me to read books or magazines. He detested the fact that I was intellectual and smart. He would rip my books and magazines into pieces or hid them from me. On top of physically abusing me by punching and slapping me, he would throw away my makeup or new clothes that I would purchase. Once he flicked a penny at my eye so hard that I lost vision in it for hours. Despite the torture that I endured, I stayed with him for several years.
            Why do victims of domestic violence remain in the relationship? Why do the victims tolerate horrendous violations of their character and mental and physical well- being?

            Remaining Reason #1: MONEY

When victims have been financially deprived in a relationship, the reality of independence is almost an obsolete thought. Victims have had no identity of their own for so long. Dependence has been the only means of survival which will be used as ammunition against deciding to leave the relationship. Dependent victims usually lack education and job experience to be self- sufficient.

            Remaining Reason #2: IT’S RIGHT!

The quest to keep some normalcy and decency in life, plays a huge factor in remaining in a relationship that is abusive. To keep religious integrity intact, many can point to the perfect bible scripture that says to honor vows and marriage. Also, victims of domestic violence refuse to break up the family unit because of the children. Children are often so protected in domestic violence upheavals that they are unaware of the abuse that is occurring.

            Remaining Reason #3: LACK OF KNOWLEDGE

Domestic violence is a cycle of abuse. Two cycles exist in domestic violence. A cycle of highs and lows where one span of time abuse does occur and then another span of time when no abuse occurs.  The violence is periodical which makes it seem, feel and appear tolerable. Another cycle of abuse is generational. The victim or perpetrator was raised in a home of domestic violence. A sense of normalcy has desensitized the violence. Domestic violence has become a customized lifestyle of wrongdoing that continues.

            The best remedy of domestic violence is to get out, ESCAPE. The situation is difficult to resolve if both parties are still in the environment where the domestic violence occurs. I know it is easier said than done, but it is possible. The prerequisite to leaving a domestic violence situation is to develop a mindset of boldness and a positive support system to rely on. Victims deserve to be treated respectfully.    

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Do you know someone who is a victim of domestic violence? Take a stand! Contact GinMan Consulting for a FREE CONFIDENTIAL wellness strategy session at