Monday, July 25, 2016

How to Rock Truth

How to Rock Truth


Truth lies within the reality of a situation. In order to live in the truth, you have to live in practice honesty, fidelity and openness. It’s much harder to live a life of pretense and illusion.
            Throughout my life, I have encountered people who live outside of truth. Why is there a need to misguide with untruths? Will the truth set you free? Building relationships and a lifestyle based on truth takes maturity and frankness.
            As a high school teenager, I was very protective of who I let into my circle. My circle of friends was very small. Few people had the opportunity to connect with me because of previous relationship experience with others who reside outside of the truth.
            Early one morning before first period in 9th grade, my friend Joyce who I considered loyal, asked me to meet her after school so that we could walk home together. Joyce and I were also bandmates so we hung out quite often during and after school. But this after school meet up was different.
            At 3:30 PM, I was eagerly waiting for Joyce in our usual spot to walk home together. I looked at my watch and it was 4:00. She never showed up. I walked home alone.
            I was worried about her because she always meets me on time. I called her house later that night to see if she was okay. She answered the phone and apologized. She professed to forget about had after school tutorials to makeup a math test. I understood and wished her a good night.
            The next day as I walked into the band hall, I overheard several girls sitting in a private practice room. They were laughing, giggling and talking loud about the fun at the 2nd Street game room yesterday after school. Joyce’s voice and giggle traveled through my shivering body. My heart dropped. The lie she told was hurtful and unnecessary. I never agreed to walk home with her again. This moment of broken trust remains fresh on my mind today.

Truth vs Lies

            Telling the truth is always the best option. Lies damage valuable relationships. Often those relationships are irreparable. Appreciate the value of priceless relationships by being true and telling the truth.
            Take responsibility in developing a trustworthy character and reputation based on morals. Being truthful shows that you carry high self- esteem and self- respect. You never know what or who you may encounter so keep yourself at a highest levels of genuineness.
            Sometimes only focusing on the glory of the present moment leads to temptations to lie. Know there are long term effects of not being truthful. In the long run a simple lie can hinder the potential success in all areas of life. Be mindful that the truth of the matter will eventually be revealed.
               There should never be a debate on telling the truth vs a lie. Michael Jackson once said, “Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.” Truth will get you farther in life, relationships, careers and so much more.

Are you looking for guidance to living in truth? Are you dealing with a situation that has been based on lies? GinMan Consulting is the option to getting unstuck.
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Monday, July 18, 2016

3 Rules to Finding Your Happy

3 Rules to Finding Your Happy

            Happiness is a common feeling that everyone desires. The daily challenges of life often place a blindfold over the possibility of happiness. Day after day, we wake to a routine that either promotes or covers up happiness. What can you do to increase your level of happiness?
            The quest for a happy life unfolds differently on an individual basis. While a six figure corporate career, a dream home, a loving wife and two and a half children may be blissful living for some, someone else could be just as satisfied with a country farm, raising cattle, milking cows with a team of other farmers. Different strokes for different folks. The most important objective in life is to find “your” happy.

The BIG QUESTION is: Are you following the rules to find your happy?
Rule #1:  Evaluate your life on a regular basis.
            Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to take a step back to see what is really happening. When you find yourself questioning your happiness, it is time to figure out what type of lifestyle you are living, and what changes need to be executed.
            If evaluating your life on your own seems overbearing or difficult, asking for assistance is a good option. Sit down with a trustworthy person who will give you honest and open feedback. You must also be honest and open about the current state of your life and the goals you are striving for in order to find your happy.
            Set aside some time once a week to evaluate what is important. Prioritize your life tasks. take action to make adjustments in the areas that will yield the most joyful results.

Rule #2: Be grateful for what you have now.
            In the mist of evaluating your life, do not forget about the delights that you currently have. To reach the next level of prosperity, you must be thankful and appreciative of the now. Remind yourself of goals and successes you have achieved no matter how big or small.
            Take your gratefulness a step further. Shower those who have positively impacted your life with tokens of appreciation. Something as simple as a thank you card can go a long way. Or step it up a notch with a gift card to their favorite restaurant to show how grateful you truly are for the positive support.
            Add some icing on your way to finding your happy. Dive into why you are grateful for the life you currently live. The #1 reason why gratefulness exists is because your life can be far worse that what it currently is. There are plenty of people who would love to live your life, especially people in third world countries who live in poverty every day.

Rule #3: Make your time valuable.
            Quality time and quality relationships increase feelings of happiness. Your actual life span is not foreseeable. Having a value infused lifestyle leads to a legacy of happiness and fulfillment for you and others who are a part of your life.
            Improvement of the standards of your time and relationships lead to finding your happy. How many family celebrations have you missed? Did you attend your last high school reunion? These are special events that when once gone, cannot be regained. Enjoy time with the people you care about, and those who care about you.
            A great book to read is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Discover your purpose in life. Service to others does wonders to elevating levels of happiness. Connect with your spiritual self. Volunteer for events that support a cause that you are passionate about. Donate items that are of little use to you, but can change the life of someone in need.
            Leading a life of value makes difficult situations easy to overcome. Knowing that your life is value driven leads to knowing that you are worthy of happiness. Happiness resides where it is most alive.  

Was the article “3 Rules to Finding Your Happy” helpful in your journey to joy? Leave us your comment and feedback in the comments section.

Are you seeking professional guidance to finding “your” happy? Contact GinMan Consulting @ for a free consultation TODAY.


Zetlin, Minda. “10 Questions That Will help You Find Happiness.” Inc. 11 June 2015. Web. 18 July 2016.  

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Many Men: Touch me here, Touch me there

Touch me here, Touch me there


Domestic violence occurs in relationships for two main reasons. One reason involves a distorted perception of self. The abuser possesses a negative self- image which seeps over into the thoughts possessed about the partner. Additionally, the abuser carries false perceptions of relationship dynamics. The abuser does not know what an ideal partnership of respect entails. The cocktail of these two factors open the gateway to harmful intimate relationships.
            At the age of 14, I experienced the perils of an abusive partner for five years. The five years of verbal, physical and emotional abuse seemed like an eternity. Still today, I wake up refreshed but with the daily struggle of continuously repairing the damage that the abuse played on my life. Every day, I am thankful for the experience and for the strength that evolved thus creating the incredible human being I am now.
            I reflect on the countless times I have been slapped and punched. I remember the many times I was tainted by words that expressed worthlessness and unattractiveness. Images of torture replay in my mind of the books I liked reading that were shredded; the newly purchased clothes he threw away and my favorite collection of makeup hurled at me. Domestic violence was a demon. I feel sorry for the perpetrator for thinking everything was wrong with me and nothing was unstable within him.
            Prayer was my #1 weapon. I prayed to be removed from the horrible wrath of a person who could not love. Solemn requests of rescue became my daily routine.
            Along with biblical rescue, I had to develop strength within and outside of myself. The abuser was not the total blame for the pain I had endured. I was also to blame. I allowed myself to be subjected to such insanity and disrespect. So I worked on my ”self”: self- esteem, self- respect, self- image and self- love.
            Once I had my “self” together, I restructured my environment. I got out of the relationship. I enrolled into college.  I focused on my new struggle as a single parent.

Are you faced with overcoming an abusive relationship? Here are some helpful tips:

#1: Analyze your current situation. Come to terms with the fact that the relationship is abusive.

#2: Analyze who you are. Reconnect with your “self”.

#3: Analyze your environment. Find positive outlets to occupy your time to resist the temptation to return.

Regain your Life. Rebuild your Life.
Let GinMan Consulting guide you through an abusive relationship.

Schedule your Free Consultation TODAY at

Firestone, Lisa PhD. "Why Domestic Violence Occurs & How to Stop It". Psychology Today. 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 10 July 2017.