Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Secrets to Traveling a Journey to Success

Secrets to Traveling a Journey to Success

            The road to success is often long and hard. There are secrets to not making the journey too long or too hard. Others may make the road to success look easy, but the truth of the matter is, it’s only as long and hard as you make it. The activating the key components to success is not a secret. You can make the load of your journey lighter.
            If you are a parent, you know the struggle of trying to instill wisdom into your child. You try your best to ensure that they do not make the same mistakes you made so many years ago. The journey in life you traveled as a youth becomes enlightening testimonials to help others reach success mistake free. There are three essential mistakes that can be avoided to make the attainment of success easier.   

3 Mistakes to Avoid for Success

Mistake #1: Thinking You Already Know Everything
            One of the biggest mistakes made in the journey of life is thinking you know it all. You are never too old or too young to learn new things or to learn from someone else. Success means you have committed to a life long journey of continuous growth, knowledge acquisition and development of wisdom. Don’t limit your success by living a life of stubbornness and stagnation. Be open to new nuggets of information to reach your peak potential in whatever you attempt to do.  

Mistake #2: Being Afraid to Step Out on Faith
            Sometimes opportunities to success are passed up because of fear. If an opportunity of increase is placed before you, go for it. Leave your reservations behind. Don’t think that it is too good to be true and miss out on a great opportunity. When opportunity knocks, don’t slam the door on it. It’s better to take advantage of a situation to increase success and realize it wasn’t for you later, then to pass up a chance by fearing the outcome beforehand. Most importantly don’t let someone else grab a great opportunity that you were not bold enough to take.

Mistake #3: Regretting a Missed Opportunity
            On the flip side, when a moment of success slips through your fingers, don’t dwell in sorrow. Move forward and keep your eyes and ears open to be prepared for when the next opportunity arrives. Chances are if you didn’t get what you wanted when it was presented, it is better off behind you. Just keep it moving. There are plenty enough in abundance for anyone and everyone who pursues the chances available for success.


Most people think that if they do not meet their goals or get the things they desire instantly, all hope for success is lost. Success is awarded to those who do what it takes to get it, don’t feel sorrowful when you can’t get it, and knows how to go after it. The biggest mistake you can make that keeps you from being successful is not being able to identify mistakes and redirect your journey.

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>>Do you need a one on one session to identify your mistakes? Do you need to map your journey to success?  If you answer is yes or I don’t know, schedule a complimentary solution focused session at

>If you need more inspiration and tips, feel free to read the other blog posts at Push Pass Life.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

To Succeed or Not to Succeed? That is the Question!

To Succeed or Not to Succeed? That is the Question!

            What is the definition of success? Success can mean having a million- dollar bank account. Success to some may be a wonderful family with 2 kids and a spouse.  Success can mean living in a third world country as a volunteer who saves lives. The main determinant of success is your own personal satisfaction with your lifestyle.
            Don’t let someone else’s definition of success guide your direction to success. Everyone’s level of achievement is different but there are some recognizable categories that can help shape your thoughts of success. If everyone on Earth has the same amount, levels and thoughts of what success is, the world would be stagnant and boring. There are three main categories you should recognize to monitor your level of success.

            Category #1: Dealing with Life’s Challenges
Regardless of the career, job or lifestyle pathway you choose, you are only successful when you can overcome the challenges that you face along the way. Many people want many things but you cannot acquire anything successfully without the strength, persistence and stamina in place to break through every day barriers that are a natural part of the lifecycle. Develop the know how to deal with life’s common challenges.

            Category #2: Treating Others with Respect
Internally, you feel successful when you have treated others respectfully. You can have the perfect lifestyle but if you lack meaningful relationships, your success will exist in a vain manner. If you respect others, you will have respect for yourself and the success you have acquired. If you cannot coexist with others mutually and humbly, you will not enjoy your success and feel useless, hopeless and conceited.

            Category #3: Investing in Yourself
 True success depends on how you value yourself. Investing in yourself shows a desire to remain successful by continuing to grow and develop in areas to get you to the next level. Take a class or workshop to learn new skills or enhance the knowledge that you already possess. Buy yourself a new wardrobe so that you look professional and ready to receive your gift of success.

          What does your level of success look like? Remember you cannot determine what success is for you based on what someone else is doing. Be comfortable with your actions, gifts and purpose that you have access to. Develop strategies to defeat the issues that come your way. Show high regard for others to be able to freely enjoy your wins. If you are not intentionally functioning at your highest potential, your accomplishments will feel obsolete.

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            Do you need additional guidance to overcome life’s common challenges? Join the Push Pass Life Movement at to receive tips, strategies, motivation, inspiration and support.     

            Until next time, enjoy previous Push Pass Life blog posts to get to your next level of success.