Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sizzling Tips to Let Your Freedom Shine Through

Sizzling Tips to Let Your Freedom Shine Through

         On October 14, 2017, I was emancipated. That was the day myself and 7 other courageously beautiful women got the chance to breath without restraints. We gained our freedom to live again. Each of us shared inspirational stories of how a traumatic event from the past transformed us into stronger human beings today.
            Past traumatic events can hold you hostage for a long time. Don’t let your past hinder your future. There are realistic ways to overcome the fear of moving forward and live with freedom forever.

Actionable Ways to Rock Your Freedom:

Tip #1: Set Emotional Boundaries

To be happy means being comfortable with expressing how you feel about past situations whether good or bad. Don’t try to understand your feelings at first. Be patient. Allow it to flow through your body unrestrained. Then be kind enough to yourself to release it by setting healthy outlets.

Tip #2: Love Thy “Self”

The best way to break free from a traumatic setback is to take care of YOU! The battle is real so you need to be strong emotionally, mentally and physically. How do you do that?  Recognize and develop ALL of your “self”. Implement a plan to increase your self- love, self- respect, self- discipline, self- care, and the list goes on & on.

Tip #3: Use Your Heart

It’s obvious that the person who is inflicting the trauma does not have a heart. Use your heart as a symbol of motivation and strength. Build up your super power to be a long- standing survivor. Reach deep into your heart and focus on what or who is dear to your heart. Use that object of affection as a visual image to overcome any actions, feelings or thoughts resulting from the trauma.

            During my years of trauma, I never forgot that something better was coming real soon. That was how I survived, and that’s how I grew strong enough to break free. If you are a victim of physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse or maltreatment, don’t sit back and keep the pain inside…… Set it FREE!

Virginia Manning’s Project We Are Free 2017 Ode


There is just one thing I want to know! Why are you always beating on me?
The sun rose. You woke up. You still have “Life” in your body. So why are you putting me down?
You can speak words out of your mouth. You are still in “your’ right mind. You can look in the mirror and “frown”! Why are you keeping me down?
But one day I looked in the mirror. I looked at my kids and cried no more!
The sun rose again. I woke up. Life took over my body. You will not always beat on me.
I started singing sweet psalms. My mind wasn’t right. I was down but with some fight.
I smiled. I panicked. I danced. I was frantic.
The sun rose yet again. And you were gone. My “self” appeared. My strength was strong. “It’s me”, she said. I’m free!
Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty! I’m Free at Last!
But that wasn’t the freedom that I needed at last. I needed to love all of me. My goods, my bads, my miracles and my faults…
And then…
My phone rang, and it was sad. the sorrow echoed and it said…
There is just one thing I want to know! Why are you always beating on me?

I cannot thank Dr. Tamika Anderson, Jaila Poole Lewis, KimPossable, Kimberly McGowan, Marchet Denise Fullum, Monique McGilberry and  Henrietta Hadley enough for that fabulous and unforgettable Project We Are Free 2017 weekend. If you are interested in Project We Are Free 2018, visit www.tamikaanderson.com

Is your traumatic past holding you hostage? Let GinMan Consulting motivate, inspire, guide and support you to reach your land of freedom. Join The Push Pass Life Movement at bit.ly/pushpasslife

Schedule a FREE 15-minute breakthrough session. Find contact info at http://www.ginmanconsulting.com/

Let me know how I’m doing! Please leave a comment in the space provided.

Thanks in Advance!

Virginia xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Other Side of Depression

The Other Side of Depression

            A hidden fire... depression! Many refuse to seek treatment for depression due to the unsettling stigma and lack of support society displays. Despite the many unwelcoming embraces that a depression sufferer often faces, there is another backside to depression. Even though family and friends are also gravely affected by loved ones with symptoms of depression, rarely do they receive treatment along with their loved ones. Both affected parties are riddled with sadness, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness and suicidal ideations simultaneously when only one has the diagnosis. When loved ones are suffering with depression, family and friends feel helpless, restless and scared.

            What does the family and friends of these victims of depression need for strength?

#1 Moving family and friends from worry to optimism
            Use the power of positivity. Depression is a dark and dreary disease that produces negative and sad feelings. Reverse the affect by surrounding yourself with positive people, places, situations, words and actions. Family and friends need to be loaded with infinite amounts of energetic vibes, thoughts and feelings.

#2 Moving family and friends from codependent to supportive
            Be on the same team without being a crutch. Feeling sorry for a loved one with depressive moods is a normal reaction. Overcome codependency that can keep loved ones stuck with depressive feelings. Know that it is the responsibility of the sufferer along with your support to accept the help available to manage depression.

#3 Moving family and friends from guilt to security
            Don’t abandon your security blanket. Not being able to help soothe and manage the depression of a loved one effectively causes feelings of guilt. Ensure yourself that you have done all you can to show unconditional love and support for the struggles that are present without feeling responsible. If you have done all you can do in a healthy way, that’s all you can do.

Family therapy is a great way to work through and manage symptoms of depression for everyone involved. It offers a sense of togetherness and support that increases the chance of successful and long- term recovery from depression.

For more information about how family therapy can assist your family and loved ones with symptoms of depression such as sadness, stress, feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, contact GINMAN CONSULTING at

Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions you may feel about this article and/ or family therapy.

Thanks in Advance,
Virginia xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, August 28, 2017

Best Ways to Live a Seasonal Lifestyle

Best Ways to Live a Seasonal Lifestyle

            Have you ever noticed that some people and situations are in your life for an extended amount of time while others are for a short amount of time? Interactions are seasonal for a reason. Understand the advantage of seasonal living and use it to benefit your path to success.

            Relationships and situations become toxic when you try to hold on to them when it’s time to let go. Before the bond turns toxic, there are ways to determine how long relationships and situations should last to your advantage. The #1 key is to be open- minded enough to be proactive.

Practice Living a Seasonal Lifestyle

·      Determine long term seasons vs. short term seasons. When a person and situation is no longer relevant to your current purpose or goals, the season has ended. A season ends when the relationship or situation can no longer be supportive and inspirational.
·      Seasons come in cycles. In the winter leaves fall, in the spring leaves bloom again. Relationships and situations come and go. Be comfortable and confident with determining when situations and relationships are in blooming in season.
·      Season lifestyles bring clarity and guidance towards your success. When situations and people are currently relevant to your life, the connections help to successfully fulfill your goals and purpose. Use positive connections to produce your best results.    

It is absolutely okay to let go of relationships and situations that are no longer beneficial for a certain season of your life. Ending seasonal relationships and situations does not mean you have to totally disconnect or that the season will not come back around. It simply means that right now at this point in your life, another focus is more beneficial to success.

Are you struggling with determining boundaries in relationships and situations?
Contact info@ginmanconsulting.com for a FREE 15 minute breakthrough session.