Monday, August 28, 2017

Best Ways to Live a Seasonal Lifestyle

Best Ways to Live a Seasonal Lifestyle

            Have you ever noticed that some people and situations are in your life for an extended amount of time while others are for a short amount of time? Interactions are seasonal for a reason. Understand the advantage of seasonal living and use it to benefit your path to success.

            Relationships and situations become toxic when you try to hold on to them when it’s time to let go. Before the bond turns toxic, there are ways to determine how long relationships and situations should last to your advantage. The #1 key is to be open- minded enough to be proactive.

Practice Living a Seasonal Lifestyle

·      Determine long term seasons vs. short term seasons. When a person and situation is no longer relevant to your current purpose or goals, the season has ended. A season ends when the relationship or situation can no longer be supportive and inspirational.
·      Seasons come in cycles. In the winter leaves fall, in the spring leaves bloom again. Relationships and situations come and go. Be comfortable and confident with determining when situations and relationships are in blooming in season.
·      Season lifestyles bring clarity and guidance towards your success. When situations and people are currently relevant to your life, the connections help to successfully fulfill your goals and purpose. Use positive connections to produce your best results.    

It is absolutely okay to let go of relationships and situations that are no longer beneficial for a certain season of your life. Ending seasonal relationships and situations does not mean you have to totally disconnect or that the season will not come back around. It simply means that right now at this point in your life, another focus is more beneficial to success.

Are you struggling with determining boundaries in relationships and situations?
Contact for a FREE 15 minute breakthrough session.