Wednesday, March 25, 2020

(Guest Blogger Traylan Wilturner) Resting During a Pandemic

Resting During a Pandemic

      Image courtesy of Unsplash            

As we all know the COVID-19 has made its debut all around the world. This virus has caused sore throats and high fevers in more than 400 thousand people leading to over 20 thousand deaths. This more than enough information to cause panic. Although there’s yet to be a cure, there has been more than 100 thousand recoveries from the virus. (These numbers are available on Are these odds enough to give a sense of relief and calm the rest of the population during what seems like a very scary time?

Just Breathe and Quarantine

Image courtesy of Unsplash

-Don’t stress. Becoming ill is often something that’s out of our control, but we do have control over our hygiene. Washing our hands should already be part of our natural duties. Do you really keep track of how often you do? Sure after using the restroom or touching something disgusting. Maybe this task should be done more often especially during a world spread virus attack. If practicing good hygiene is already a part of your routine then why stress it?

-Social Distancing. I’m sure we’ve all been told to stay at home, try not to be in public when not necessary and to keep at least a 6 feet distance from others. Not only will these very important steps help you with avoiding this virus, but also allows you some “Me Time”. So basically this is the perfect time for you to avoid whatever drama and sickness others shall bring!

-Social Media. What else is there to do while stuck at home? Turning to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter may add a lot more stress to the situation than you may realize. These outlets are full of fake news, nasty opinions and scare stories. If you need information or updates on what’s happening what an accredited news broadcast. If you need entertainment to feed you boredom try exercising, reading a book or even that “to do list” you haven’t had time to get to.

Don’t allow this pandemic to stress you.

Embrace it.
Believe you can handle it.
Believe that you will be ok.
-Maria Shriver

Do Not Fear The Inevitable!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What Would a Good Night Sleep Mean to You?

What Would a Good Night Sleep Mean to You?

Image courtesy of Unsplash

It’s never a productive day when you don’t get enough sleep the night before. You toss and turn all night or you may even seemingly slumber all night, but still have a sluggish and tiresome day. Well, it may be time to have a medical evaluation from your family doctor.

Why don’t you sleep well at night? Often a lack of sleep is attributed to a poor quality mattress or caffeine intake, but there are a few other alternatives that can be considered.

#1 Narcolepsy
If you feel a decrease ability to control your wake-sleep cycle, you may have symptoms of narcolepsy. Consult a physician. Your quality of sleep can really affect you ability to function your best during the day.

#2 Anxiety
Excessive worry and fear can keep you from having a peaceful sleep. Consult a therapist for a thorough assessment. Anxiety will interfere with your normal daily activities or tasks. You will get less done with a full day of work.

#3 Restless Leg Syndrome
Experiencing an irresistible urge to move your leg can disrupt sleep. Don’t wait around, head to your physician for a clear diagnosis. Restless Leg Syndrome occurs frequently while sitting or laying down, which is the prominent position while you sleep. Regaining comfort in your legs can make sleep a lot more pleasant.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Take care of yourself by getting adequate rest. When your body is in rest mode it is rejuvenating to function effectively during the hours you are awake.

No Sleep = An Unproductive Day
Make yourself and rest a priority!

If you want to be your best you need adequate rest.
GinMan Consulting can help you implement
coping strategies to reach peaceful sleep and rest.