Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Dealing With Self-Confidence When You’re Obese


Dealing With Self-Confidence When You’re Obese


Overweight and obese people are often criticized for being fat. You’ve probably heard hurtful words like: “You’re ugly, You eat too much, You’ll die young and We don’t have your size.” These words hurt your self-esteem, they can sometimes cause depression and you start slipping into bad eating habits.

There are days where you might hate yourself and you don’t like who you see in the mirror. You can’t continue drowning in the pool of self-hate and eating disorders forever. You have to face the world and embrace body positivity. Whether you want to start working out or eating healthy, you need to do so with confidence.



For a healthier and more realistic body image, you need to:


Surround yourself with positive people. Be with people who motivate you and avoid those who consistently criticize and make fun of others. Their negative energy can rub off on you.



Eat Healthily. Eating junk food is found to be one of the prime causes of obesity. Instead, load up on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and reduce your sugar intake.



Exercise. Regular exercise does not only help you stay fit, but it will also improve your self-esteem. It releases happy chemicals in the brain that makes you feel good about yourself.



Focus on your positive traits. We tend to dwell more on our failures than successes. If you are unhappy with your size, body shape, or weight, shift your attention to other beautiful characteristics about you, your strengths, skills, and admirable qualities.

Body positivity is as simple as making the choice to love your body despite your shortcomings—to embrace your whole self and not let others dictate how you feel about your body – Paige Fieldsted



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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Eating Disorders and The Road to Recovery


Eating Disorders and The Road to Recovery


No one ever woke up and said: “Today I want to have an eating disorder”. Most times, anorexia and bulimia stem from distorted body image as a result of anxiety, depression, emotional trauma, and societal expectations. Those suffering from these conditions often view extreme weight loss and dieting as a way to look good, acceptable and regain control in their lives.

It starts from skipping a meal or two, binge eating, and vomiting. Then, it starts to become a habit. However, recovery is possible even though it’s difficult. It is normal to feel anxious and wonder if you’ll slip back into your old habits. Your fears are valid because sometimes what you are most afraid of doing might set you free.



Here are a few things you should know on your way to recovery:

#1 Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Being too self-critical won’t help you in recovering. Instead, it can cause feelings of shame and exacerbate an already difficult situation. Stay positive and use affirmative words to tackle self-critical thoughts.


#2 Seek Help

Research shows that people with eating disorders are more likely to recover with a professional treatment plan in place. Motivational and self-care books cannot replace the guidance of a qualified doctor or dietician.


#3 Be Patient with Yourself

Total recovery can take years, and people often struggle with relapse. Have faith in yourself and seek support when you need it. Talk to people who have earned your trust and let them hold your hand during weak moments.


You’re perfect the way you are. Love your body and in moments when recovery feels painful, keep pushing forward because it means you are making progress.



 GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.


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