Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Effects of Alzheimer’s on the Patient’s Loved Ones


The Effects of Alzheimer’s on the Patient’s Loved Ones


Alzheimer’s disease does not only affect the patients alone, but it affects their loved ones. Stats reveal that the disease is not limited to the older generation; those below 65 years too could fall “prey” to the disease. Because this disease is a progressive one that worsens as the year goes by, treatment and care should be taken seriously. And to reduce the stress of catering for these patients alone, family members need the help of medical experts.

A person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s suffers from so many symptoms, among which are memory loss, confusion, uncontrollable bladder, etc., and the effects that come with dealing with all these symptoms in a loved one is quite stressful and tiring on the friends and family. One can be drained physically and emotionally caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, which is why it is important to augment your care for them by seeking professional help.

You do not want to care for your loved ones at the expense of your own mental, emotional, and physical well-being. You need to balance up caring for them and making sure you are also fit both physically and mentally.



Effects of Alzheimer’s on Friends and Family


1. Emotional instability

2. Psychological distress

3. Poor health conditions

4. Lack of quality time to rest

5. Consistent increase in health care bills

6. Loss of earnings as a result of reduced working hours

7. Financial challenge as a result of the indirect cost of caring for the patient


Ken Petti says, “sometimes it takes more courage to ask for help than to act alone.”

This here is why you should seek help for your loved one who is showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s and also get help for yourself if caring for an Alzheimer’s family member or friend is taking a toll on you.



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Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Alzheimer’s: The Most Common Cause of Dementia

According to the National Institute of Aging, U.S. Department of Health &Human Services, Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Stats show that in the United States, folks age 65 and above have this disease though there are also many under 65 who might have this same disease.


Causes of Alzheimer’s

Scientists are unsure of what triggers this disease, but one thing they are sure of is that the symptoms do not appear immediately. The disease is always in the body system long before the symptoms begin to manifest.

Even though medical researchers are yet to discover the root cause of the protein build-up in the brain cells that leads to this disease scientifically, we need to understand the factors that increase the risk of having this disease, and they include:

#1 Age

#2 Genes

#3 Obesity

#4 Smoking

#5 Diabetes

#6 High Cholesterol

#7 Down Syndrome

#8 High Blood Pressure


Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Earlier in this article, it is mentioned that the symptoms do not appear early in one’s life; they gradually progress all through the years till they become full-fledged and noticeable. It is important to note that the progression of the symptoms is not the same for everyone; the progression is faster in some than in others. The symptoms associated with this disease include:

#1 Confusion

#2 Forgetfulness

#3 Disorientation

#4 Loss of Memory

#5 Vision Problems

#6 Misplacement of Items

#7 Concentration Difficulty

#8 Poor Decision-Making Skill

#9 Mood Swings and Behavioral Issues

#10 Familiar Tasks Become Difficulty to Do

#11 Difficulty Remembering New Information

#12 Difficulty in Following or Joining a Conversation

#13 Inability to Plan and Proffer Solutions to Problems

#14 Difficulty in Speaking, Swallowing Food, and Walking


The effects of these symptoms are detrimental not just to the person with Alzheimer’s but to friends and family. This is why treatment should be prescribed by a specialized doctor. Therefore, when you identify any of these symptoms in a friend or family member, you should encourage such an individual to book an appointment with a medical practitioner and give them as much love as you can give because they really need it. Let your disposition resonate with Sally P. Karioth’s quote - “even if I can’t cure, I can still care.”


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