Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Signs That You Are Stressed


Signs That You Are Stressed

Being self-aware is key to dealing with stress. The moment you understand the signs that accompany your stressors, it becomes easy to quickly manage the situation. Different experiences cause stress in different individuals. The causes of stress in a teenager and an adult are not always the same, but when you feel the following, then you are likely stressed:

1. Fear

2. Anxiety

3. Irritation

4. Aggression

5. Physical Tiredness

6. Lack of Motivation

7. Emotionally Drained

8. Loss of Sexual Interest

9. Sadness and Depression

10. Constant Headache

11. Hyperventilation or Shortage of Breath

These signs are pointers to you that you need a break and when you experience either of them or similar signs, you need to take some time out to consider the causes. You should consider if it is one of your stressors or a new situation. If it is caused by one of your stressors, you should handle it the way you normally manage the situation. If it is a new situation, you might want to seek professional help to have a total grasp of the situation.

Never ignore any of these signs. They should be dealt with immediately, so they do not result in critical issues that could be out of your control and the control of those around you. Remember, prevention is better than cure. If you are confused about what causes either good or bad stress in you, kindly speak out. Speak with a family member, a friend, or even a professional. Sometimes, talking about a situation with another person helps put it in perspective.


Maureen Killoran said,


“Stress is not what happens to us; it is our response to what happens.

And the response is something we can choose.”


So, choose to speak up if you think you need help or a break.




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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Stress: Causes and Prevention


Stress: Causes and Prevention


Stress is a feeling that comes with being overwhelmed and pressured. It comes when a lot of demand is laid on us physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is very important to note that no one is immune to stress; we all go through this experience. Therefore, we need to understand our stressors and how to control them. 


Causes of Stress

We all must understand that the causes of stress in humans differ, although there are some common stressors like:

1. Change

2. Work Stress

3. Family Issue

4. Indecisiveness

5. Financial Burden

5. Relationship Issue

7. Work/School Bullying

8. Engaging in Too Many Activities

9. Lack of Control Over a Situation

10. Guilt and Condemnation for Not Starting or Completing a Task When Due


Prevention of Stress

Stress can lead to health issues if not properly managed, so it is important to become self-aware and identify situations that may result in stress. Understanding your stressors is key to living a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally. Some ways to prevent stress are:

1. Eat healthy meals.

2. Exercise at regular intervals.

3. Engage in activities that relax you.

4. Get enough rest during the day and enough sleep at night.

5. Learn money management and plan your finance effectively.

6. Maintain a positive mindset no matter what the situation might be.

7. Understand and accept that not all things can be under your control.

8. Stay close to people who can provide you with emotional support when you need it.

9. Learn to say no when people are trying to add extra work to your already busy schedule.


Whenever you are stressed, always have in your mind what Wayne Dyer said:


“You can’t always control what goes on outside,

 but you can always control what goes on inside.”


So, the number one place to keep safe to avoid going through the rigor that comes with bad stress is your mind. Keep a healthy mindset no matter what you’re facing.


GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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