Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Happy New Year: It’s a New Dawn!


Happy New Year: It’s a New Dawn!


Definitely, you are familiar with the words “New Year, New You,” right? But let’s take some time out and have some deep talk and reflection.

Have you actually lived out these words in your life?

Do you experience newness in each year, or is it a repeat of the old circles of the previous years?

You need to sincerely answer these questions because they will help shape your perspective in this new year, the year 2022.

In recent times, people are tired of making new year resolutions because they find out they end up not living out their resolutions all through the year, but this should not stop us from desiring a better life each new year.

In this new chapter of your life, you need to put some things into consideration—explore life and produce change.

As a career or business person, you probably wore yourself out all through the year 2021 with little to no time for rest, family, friends, hobbies, and vacations. You need to make this a big part of your new year because your mental health is more important than your fat bank accounts.



How to Explore Life in the New Year

1. Set your priorities right.

2. Be sincere with yourself.

3. Give back to your society.

4. Create time for your loved ones.

5. Be more sociable and make new friends.

6. Be more self-conscious of your personality; Know yourself better.

7. Set aside a percentage of your monthly income for fun and go have fun.

8. Create a thanksgiving journal and document all your achievements each month.

9. Create time for fun activities. You can visit those places you have always wanted to visit.


In addition to all these above, you also need to remain relevant in all areas of your life by producing positive change.


How to Produce Change in Every Aspects of Life


·         Get rid of every form of negativity in your mind.

·         Strengthen your self-love and live life to the fullest.

·         Strengthen your strong points and improve on your weak points

·         Get rid of every form of negativity in your surrounding as much as you can.

·         Identify what you can change in you and around you, study it and make sure you understand it, then work at changing it for the better.

·         Be more open to learn, to corrections, to relearn, to positive changes, to help others, and to impact your life and the lives of people around you positively.


Nitin Namdeo says,

“The world is full of possibilities, build the courage to explore.”

And George Bernard Shaw says,

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”


Let these two sayings inspire you to make the most of your year.



GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

Visit us at



Happy New Year and cheers to a better and greater you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Year 2022: Stop Living in the Past!


Year 2022: Stop Living in the Past!


Alright! Let’s pause the new year for a minute, and let’s do some exercise!

Scream out loud, SHOUT: I choose to stop living in the past! It is a New Year, a new season for me, and I’m sure going to make the most of it. Yeah, right!”

Now, that’s how to be the boss this new year!


Let’s move on…

Take out a piece of paper and write out all your regrets—all those things you wished you could change but have no control over again—and burn them! You read right! Burn them! If you have more than one piece of paper, burn them all, yeah!

No, no, don’t trash them in the bin; burn them. You could pick them right up again from the trash so, don’t trash them; BURN THEM!

Okay, some of you didn’t do that with the rest of us, so go back, please. Get up from that seat, that bed, and get your pen and paper. Write out all the pains, sad memories, mistakes, regrets.

You are permitted to cry.

Come on! Cry it all out but make sure you write them all out!

Then burn them!

You did that? Great!


It is no more past time but present time:

#1 The time to live life!

#2 The time to explore life!

#3 The time to produce change!

#4 The time to commit to self-love!


Make the most of the new year. Do not let the weight of the past hold you down from achieving your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

NEW SPLASH! Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone wishes they did better in the past.

But do you know what stands us out? The courage to not allow the mistakes and regrets of the past to define who we are.

Now, the ball is in your court, friend. Do not allow the mistakes and regrets of the past to keep you from being the very best version of you this new year.

This is a new page of life opened to you. Don’t fill it with sad memories of the past. That’s bad!

Rather, fill it up with lovely memories of you making a positive change and impact in your life and the lives of those around you.

You are a planet shaker. Do not catch yourself reliving the past.

Oh no, you didn’t read that right! You need to read it again: DO NOT CATCH YOURSELF RELIVING THE HURTS, PAINS, AND REGRETS OF THE PAST!


Thomas S. Monson has this to say to you:

“The past is behind; learn from it. The future is ahead; prepare for it. The present is here; LIVE IT.”

Don’t forget this as you carry out all your activities this year.



GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

Visit us at


Happy New Year!

Cheers to a New Beginning!