Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Uh-Oh! You Are Dealing With Triggers of Covid the Wrong Way

People who experience traumatic events sometimes find substance use as a way to deal with the situation. Drugs and/or alcohol furnish negative coping strategies in reaction to dramatic situations. Now with the horrific experience of COVID19, substance use may be the comforting shoulder for many. When dealing with a traumatic event, evaluate if you want a positive outcome or negative outcome. Choosing to use drugs to cope will normally result in negative consequences.

Positive Coping Strategies That Equal Positive Results

Distractors Alcohol and drugs are distractors but they keep you from living a healthy and prosperous life. Instead occupy your thoughts and time with positive distractors from reexperiencing trauma. Participate in exercising to your favorite song, cleaning an area of your house that is cluttered or declutter your mind by journaling, drawing or art work.

Interactors Being around positivity can brighten your mood and decrease thoughts of using substances such as drugs and alcohol. Spend time with a positive friend or family member via FaceTime or Duo or talk to your next best friend, AKA your pet.

Counselors Sometimes it takes a professional to change your perspective or outlook on a traumatic situation. Sometimes your feelings and emotions are private and you do not want to share with others who know you. Seek a therapist to confide in and get advice.

Remember… just because a situation yields a negative pathway does not mean your response to dealing with the situation has to be negative. Negative coping will only make negativity the continuing pattern.

Let’s talk about COVID19. Talking out ways to effectively handle trauma is the best option!
Schedule a session today at

For more information about how therapeutic techniques can help you.

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