Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Depression is Not a Sign of Weakness


Depression is Not a Sign of Weakness

 Do you often hear voices in your head, whispering things to you, or you feel irritable, suicidal, anxious and you have a hopeless outlook of your life? These are symptoms of depression.

It is not news that depression whispers bad things into your mind about your capabilities. You hear things like “You can’t even do anything right, your life is a mess, why don’t you have a family at this age, your mates are making progress, you are too fat, or you are ugly,” and every other statement that makes you feel particularly bad about yourself.



If you are wondering why you keep feeling this way, no one knows what causes depression. It can occur due to a variety of reasons. It could be as a result of:

#1 Abuse

#2 Medications

#3 Death or loss of loved one

#4 Genetics

#5 Major life events

#6 Substance abuse

#7 Serious illnesses


Due to different symptoms of depression, it is a common assumption that depressed people are weak and not strong enough. What is worse is even people with depression blame themselves and feel their lack of strength is the reason they are depressed.

However, those who face depression are doing so with great strength, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Regardless of these factors, in life, everything negative, pressure and challenges is an opportunity for you to rise.

Stay positive and face life with hope and motivation.




Adapting to new beginnings can sometimes feel a little rough, but in many ways, the beauty in enjoying your new beginning is the sense of adventure that comes from it.


GinMan Consulting is here to help you

develop yourself and all that you deserve.

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