Treating PTSD
Some of the assumptions about PTSD are
1. It is not treatable.
2. It affects only veterans.
3. It is a sign of weakness.
4. It will go after a long time.
5. Everyone with PTSD has the same symptoms.
All these assumptions are not accurate.
Anyone can be affected by PTSD—children, teens, adults, and veterans. It will
not go after a long time if it’s not treated, so it can be treated. The causes
and symptoms vary in individuals, which is why you should go for treatment, and
lastly, surviving a very terrible event is a sign of strength and not weakness.
If you have PTSD or you have a child or
family member with PTSD, you need to understand that there are ways of getting
treated—It’s not a death sentence.
Seeking Treatment for PTSD
Seeking treatment for PTSD has a huge
impact on the health and quality of life of the person suffering from this
disorder. Do not stay silent when you suspect symptoms of PTSD in you or your
loved ones. Get the necessary help and treatment needed to combat this mental
health condition.
PTSD treatment options include:
1. Medication
2. Group Therapy
3. Family Therapy
4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
5. Prolonged Exposure Therapy
6. EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing
These treatments are very helpful.
Taking medications will help you ease the tension you feel and improve your
sleep pattern, while going for therapy will help you understand your thoughts,
why you act the way you do and teach you coping mechanisms when you are faced
with a challenging situation as a result of the PTSD symptoms. It is important
you speak with your doctor about the different methods of treatment in order to
apply the best one for you.
Consulting is here to help you
yourself and all that you deserve.
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